If you are going to start a web site, you have to have a domain name. There are a couple of tricks, however, you should know before you buy one.
Tips on Getting Your Domain Name Right
Far too often, people just rush out and pick domain names on the fly. What sounds cool? What sounds professional? I'll just use my business name. These are the basic methods people come up with domain names and they can lead to regret down the road. A domain name is like a spouse, it can be great or horrific in the long run.
Unless you have a business name that is very well known, don't use your business name as the domain. It isn't really going to help you generate traffic and people will still be able to find you through search engines since you are probably the only one using the name. If you are paranoid about others stealing it, trademark and register the name.
The best way to pick a domain name is to first due keyword research. Keyword research is going to identify the keyword phrases your prospects are using to search for your services or products. You want to create a list of high traffic keyword phrases and then make one of those phrases your domain name. Search engines give a lot of value to a domain name that matches a keyword phrase. This helps you crank your home page to the top of the rankings, which gives you a massive head start over your competition.
Once you have identified the keyword phrase you want to use for your domain, there is another secret you need to know. The length of your registration is a factor in search engine rankings on Google. Google gives added value to sites that are going to be around for a long time. At a minimum, you should register the domain for five years, but go with the longest option available.
At first glance, picking a domain name is a fairly simple process. To jumpstart your marketing efforts, you should stop and give it some thought. If you follow the above guidelines, you can turn it into a powerful head start for your marketing efforts.
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